I have been really struggling with my runs the past several months. I dread them, I stress over my time and no longer feel the runners high we are all so addicted to. I have 2 marathons coming up over the next month and I really want to get back to that place of enjoying the journey. Yes I hurt (Lyme Disease), yes I am more tired then I should be, but I know it is possible to still enjoy running. So yesterday I decided I was going to do a long run 18-22 miles ish. I left with no plan except to run. I turned all my audio cues off for time and had it just update me on my distance. I found a pace that felt comfortable and just ran. Since I wasn't worried about my routes ect I was able to run new areas because I was just following the sidewalk to see how far it went before it ended! When I started feeling uncomfortable I asked myself if I needed to slow down, or just needed to ignore everything from the waist down.
I ended up running 19.10 miles (with no water) and my average pace was 9:16 per mile. That is pretty quick for me, I usually struggle to maintain that pace and feel miserable the whole time. This run was amazing. This is the mental preparation I needed so desperately. I am remembering how to enjoy the journey, not just focusing on the finish time. It's easy to get caught up in race pace and finish times so this is a reminder to everyone, put down your clocks and just go run. It did amazing things for me mentally, and I so needed this. I am excited for the Jax Bank Marathon in 2 weeks. I don't care if my finish time is a PR or my slowest ever. I want to enjoy the journey and continue learning more about myself.
Lyme Disease will not stop me. I will continue to push through the physical ailments and depend on my mental strength to keep going. I am happy, I will train happy and I will race happy. That is all there is to it.
Upcoming runs/races
Starlight 1/2 Marathon 12/20/2014
Jax bank Marathon 12/28/2014
Flamingo 5k (NewSmyrna) 01/01/2015
Charleston Marathon 01/17/2015
Waterfront 5k/10 mile 01/24/2015
Warrior Dash 5k 01/31/2015
Run 26.2 with Donna 1/2 Marathon 02/15/2015