Sunday, December 28, 2014

Jax Bank Marathon Race Recap

My husband and I met my parents at the hotel in Jacksonville "Jax" as the locals call it. My dad was planning to run his first 1/2 marathon, mom her first full, and my husband was along as the most amazing, supportive spectator around (and great photographer too). We drove to 1st Place Sports, a local running shop that is a big sponsor for this race. The shop was cool, the people were well informed and friendly. I bought myself a cool coffee mug that says "26.2" and they gave me a free shoe charm for making a purchase. Let me really start by saying, I got to Jax completely unprepared. I forgot my phone carrier, my ear buds, my shirt I was planning on wearing, and my handheld water bottle. I purchased a new phone carrier and ear buds at the store, wore a different shirt I brought (not dri-wick which was a bummer with the heat/humidity... I'll get into that later).
Pre race, getting ready! #Jaxbankmarathon
We had a good dinner (salmon with veggies and some bread for me, as always pre-marathon), and got to bed early. We left the hotel around 5:45am to go early and find parking. Not much traffic congestion and we found a great parking spot on the main road right at the start/finish line. We beat the crowds by seconds because it got crazy right after we pulled in. The race started at 7am, it was a very HUMID 67 degrees at the start of the race, and the temps rose quickly. It was 76 degrees by the time we finished, 80 degrees by the time we reached out hotel around 1pm. 

It was a fairly small race (since I have only ran Rock N Roll Marathons which are huge), this race had 699 marathon finishers. The course was nice, very very flat, total of 1400 feet elevation change with no real "hills" or bridges to cross. We ran through neighborhoods in a single lane. There were water stations/Gatorade every 2 miles or so (which would have been fine any other race, but with the heat I was certainly dragging in-between), they also had 4 stations with GU along the course. I personally don't use GU but I thought it was awesome they had so much available. 

The first 18 miles I was lucky enough to run with my mom. I started slowing down around then, and she was able to maintain a faster pace than me, I was so happy to see her take off. "GO MOM! GO!" I met some great people along the course with awesome stories at what brought them there. I ran into a girl from my hometown who belongs to the same running club as me (Flagler County Runners, FCR) around mile 19? Ish? We ran together off and on for the rest of the race. This was her first marathon and I was so excited to watch her cross the line about 15 seconds ahead of me. 
My mom crossing her first FULL marathon finish line! 

Me crossing my 3rd marathon finish line!
I went into this race saying I was running to finish, to remember to enjoy myself. For the most part I did. The heat really got to me, I puked twice because of it. Overall it was a great race. My official time was 4:38:08 (mom finished almost exactly 10 minutes before me). This was my SLOWEST marathon to date, by a LONG shot. But, it was also the first I had to endure heat AND humidity. 
We ALL finished!

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Gifts "Customized Medal Hanger" and "Road ID"

First, I want to start by wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas! This is my most favorite time of year. It is all about family, and thinking about other people (gift giving). I love the holiday spirit, and I really love the holiday themed runs!

My husband got me a personalized Road ID bracelet. I say personalized because he purchased charms "badges" that hook onto it. The bracelet that has my information, emergency contact numbers and he listed my medicine allergies. Such a thoughtful gift! Something to keep me safe while I'm out running, and looks super cute too. He bought me two 26.2 badges for my 2 marathons I have ran, one that says "shut up legs" and one for breast cancer awareness. I love it! I can't wait to add more charms around the band. My picture doesn't do it justice but it was the best I could do with my cell phone this morning.
You can find these awesome bracelets here. Use code "TAF5P5ZFF2W" or "TAF5RVV9X95" for a $1 off discount! (please comment if you use them so I can remove, they are only good once each ;)

I received the coolest Christmas present from my grandpa. He made me a medal holder to display all my running medals from. Let me repeat that, he MADE it for me. Custom built specially for me by his own two hands. How cool is that? It has a shelf on the top so I can put different trophies and my bibfolio on the shelf so everything is together. It is perfect. I am so excited to get all my medals out of the back of my closet and out where I can see them. I hung it on the wall in front of my treadmill, this way when I am feeling discouraged I will have something to remind me of how much I have done, and what I have accomplished.

This is the greatest keepsake for me. It blends two of the things I love most in life, family & running. What a sentimental gift this is. Thank you grampa.

What do you hang your medals on? Do you have a display of some sort or are they in the back of a closet like mine were?

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Starlight 1/2 Marathon

The Starlight 1/2 Marathon is described as "A night-time run that takes runners first through thousands of parade spectators, then through a holiday decorated course in and around Town Center. Be entertained along the way by holiday lights and music. Finish the race through a Christmas tree lined finish chute and enjoy music, s’mores, beer, hot food and drinks".

Running in the evening was so different than getting up at 430am for those morning runs. I had to plan my food for the day a little more strategically. I didn't, but I would recommend doing so lol. To my excitement my husband decided to run the 5k portion of the race last minute so we wore matching Grinch shirts and Santa hats. I got to cheer him on at the start, and he got to cheer me on down the finish line. 

The course was pretty awesome. We ran on Lehigh trail which they had portions of it decorated with Christmas lights and had glow sticks lighting the sides of the path. They had volunteers everywhere making sure you were going the right way and also had plenty of water and Gatorade stations with great volunteers cheering you on along the way. This had to have been one of the most organized races I have been to. The last mile was all full of Christmas light displays and a live band playing Christmas music.

I paced my self at an easy pace, listening to Christmas music along the way. Around mile 11 I saw an opportunity to pick up the  pace and pass a couple of girls who looked about my age (yes, I let my competitive nature kick in). I passed them at an easy, just a little faster than they were going knowing they would likely pickup the pace closer to the finishline to try and pass me. Ifelt them getting closer around 12-12.5 miles. So naturally, I picked up the pace more and gave it all I had without risking injuring myself or wiping myself out. I stayed ahead of them beating them by a mere 30 seconds. I took 2nd in my age division. I also got a new PR of 1:54:33  (chip time was 1:55 but I started back from the start line, and they didn't have a start chip tracker just a finish line). 


When you ran through the Christmas tree lined finishers chute you were showered with "snow" which was awesome. Then you ended in this beautifully decorated area with tons of tables (set with white table cloths and center pieces), you were given a water bottle (which you could refill with gatorade if you needed some extra electrolites), free pizza or hot soup, beer or apple cider sangria, free coffee or hot chocolate. It was amazing! There were also s'mores stations set up so you could roast marshmallows and have s'mores while you were sitting and visiting with others, chatting about the race. Plus, my medal glows in the dark. How cool is that!!!

This race will now be a new tradition for us. It was so well organized, and an all-around happy race. Who wouldn't be happy when surrounded by Christmas lights and free food/drinks right? 

Here are a few more pictures of some of the light displays..

We were also mentioned in our local newspaper found here. 

Friday, December 12, 2014

Enjoying running again.

I have been really struggling with my runs the past several months. I dread them, I stress over my time and no longer feel the runners high we are all so addicted to. I have 2 marathons coming up over the next month and I really want to get back to that place of enjoying the journey. Yes I hurt (Lyme Disease), yes I am more tired then I should be, but I know it is possible to still enjoy running. So yesterday I decided I was going to do a long run 18-22 miles ish. I left with no plan except to run. I turned all my audio cues off for time and had it just update me on my distance. I found a pace that felt comfortable and just ran. Since I wasn't worried about my routes ect I was able to run new areas because I was just following the sidewalk to see how far it went before it ended! When I started feeling uncomfortable I asked myself if I needed to slow down, or just needed to ignore everything from the waist down.

 I ended up running 19.10 miles (with no water) and my average pace was 9:16 per mile. That is pretty quick for me, I usually struggle to maintain that pace and feel miserable the whole time. This run was amazing. This is the mental preparation I needed so desperately. I am remembering how to enjoy the journey, not just focusing on the finish time. It's easy to get caught up in race pace and finish times so this is a reminder to everyone, put down your clocks and just go run. It did amazing things for me mentally, and I so needed this. I am excited for the Jax Bank Marathon in 2 weeks. I don't care if my finish time is a PR or my slowest ever. I want to enjoy the journey and continue learning more about myself.

Lyme Disease will not stop me. I will continue to push through the physical ailments and depend on my mental strength to keep going. I am happy, I will train happy and I will race happy. That is all there is to it.

Upcoming runs/races
Starlight 1/2 Marathon 12/20/2014
Jax bank Marathon 12/28/2014
Flamingo 5k (NewSmyrna) 01/01/2015
Charleston Marathon 01/17/2015
Waterfront 5k/10 mile 01/24/2015
Warrior Dash 5k 01/31/2015
Run 26.2 with Donna 1/2 Marathon 02/15/2015

Friday, December 5, 2014

Stocking Stuffers and Small Gifts for Runners

Stocking Stuffers and Small Gifts for runners.
Just in time for the holidays, I have been working on this list for several weeks and I think I have it narrowed down to some of my favorites... finally. I have compiled a list of running stuff that I believe are great gift ideas and stocking stuffers for runner family members and friends. Everything here can be squeezed into a stocking, or wrapped as a gift. Price average of everything is around $10 depending on where you shop. Amazon has great deals on most of this stuff, and I have even found some of it for super cheap at TJ MAXX (as surprising as that seems). Please feel free to comment if you think of something I missed, or what you might agree with as some of your favorites. I'd love to hear some input from fellow runners!

  • Body Glide. This is amazingly necessary for any form of distance running, or running in humidity. Holy Moly this has been a lifesaver for me on so many occassions. GREAT STOCKING STUFFER.

  • Christmas Ornament. After completing my first marathon my mom bought me a customized running ornament with the date of my marathon. I LOVE it. What a treasure it is to me. They have generic ornaments, or customized ornaments.

  • Arm Band. Carrying your phone in your hand or pocket is such a pain, these phone carriers are great. Make sure you get one for the type of phone they have (iPhone, Galaxy ect) 

  • Lip Balm. Wind and cold weather both can cause pretty chapped lips.

  • Sports Bra. Might sound like a weird gift to give someone, but there is nothing like a new sports bra, and it is something I seldom treat myself to.

For cold weather climates:

When all else fails, paid race entries are always a great gift/stocking stuffer. Who doesn't want a free race entry? 

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

3 1/2 weeks until Jax Bank Marathon... oh boy!

Alright it's game time. I have a pretty good list of races coming up.

Nov 9 was Savannah Rock N Roll Marathon
Dec 20- Starlight 1/2 Marathon
Dec 28 -Jax Banks Marathon
Jan 17 -Charleston South Carolina Marathon
Feb 15 - 26.2 Run with Donna 1/2 Marathon

I'm nervous and excited for this next marathon. I feel like I am finally feeling "recovered" and getting more motivated to run again. I am trying to put together a plan of attack for the next 6 weeks. I have about 2 weeks of hard push and that will leave me with 1 1/2 weeks of taper before the Jax Bank Marathon. Then 2 weeks between Jax Bank and Charleston.

I am so excited to achieve my goal about becoming a Marathon Maniac. It's something I have heard about and read about for a few years now, but never actually thought I could do it. Even if I'm slow at finishing these next two marathons... I will finish. I will proudly wear my marathon maniac shirt. Then, I will take a much needed break from marathon running... for a few months anyway.