Monday, October 20, 2014

18 days till 26.2 and Lyme Disease is getting the best of me

Oh my goodness 18 days until the Rock N' Roll Savannah Marathon... 26.2 miles here I come! Tomorrow morning is my last scheduled long run, 22 miles then  I begin my taper! I am still suffering the side effects of being bitten by the tick "Lyme Disease". I have a few more days left of the antibiotic and I will be finished with that - Thank GOD! The medicine makes me so sick and so tired. It is getting where I have 2-3 days of feeling "ok". Meaning I have a constant minor headache, fatigue, and minor but "tolerable" aches in my joints. Then the next day I am wiped out where it hurts to move, my head is pounding and I just want to stay covered up under a dark blanket and sleep until it's gone...  Unfortunately that's not an option so I try my best to push through and get my stuff done that needs done. I have to admit my running has been minimal. A run here, a run there... it's been really hard to stay motivated and physically to push myself when I feel so awful.

 I am confident I will finish the marathon but I don't think I will do it in my goal time. I am planning to find a late winter/early spring marathon to try for a sub 4. Hopefully in 3-4 months I will finally be feeling 100% again. I can't believe how much damage 1 little tiny bug bite can do!

The nerves are setting in, but this race I am feeling more excited than nervous. I am more confident this time around, and excited to just take it all in 1 mile at a time. My mom and dad raised me to "never give up, and always give it your all". I figure, I can't fail if I remember to do those two things.

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